Emission limits
Our buses and coaches meet the emission limits of EURO 4, EURO 5 and EURO 6.
AdBlue is the registered trademark for AUS32 (Aqueous Urea Solution 32.5%) and is used in a process called selective catalytic reduction (SCR) to reduce emissions of oxides of nitrogen from the exhaust of diesel engined motor vehicles. As the name AUS32 would suggest, it is a 32.5% solution of high-purity urea in demineralized water that is clear, non-toxic and is safe to handle. However, it can be corrosive for some metals, and must be stored and transported using the correct materials. The AdBlue trademark is currently held by the German Association of the Automobile Industry (VDA), who ensure quality standards are maintained in accordance with ISO 22241 specifications. AdBlue is carried onboard SCR-equipped vehicles in specially designed tanks, and is dosed into the SCR system at a rate equivalent to 3–5% of diesel consumption.
Saving the environment
Being environmentally friendly is very important for us, which is one of the reasons why we buy all coaches as new with the newest technologies. All our coaches meet the toughest environmental regulations regations the CO2 emissions and have one of the norms EURO 4, EURO 5 or EURO 6.
We are a large transport company and thus consume a lot of oil. For this reason we ask our drivers to drive efficiently and consume as little fuel as possible.